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Review Published: June 8, 2018
There was a reason why I turned away from this book every time I see that it's being recommended to my to-read list based on the books that I've have come across with... and for the longest time, I finally succumbed to the urge and actually took the shot into reading Saffron A. Kent's, forbidden, dark and twisted love story.
Sighs. There's no one to blame but myself. I had high hopes that I'd LOVE their brewing chemistry. Bummer!

Honestly? The book got me SO HOOKED in the first half of the book. Like maaaaan, I couldn't stop reading and my mind does it own wandering of how mysterious and alluring Thomas Abrams was depicted! He was so captivating and the suspense was killing me... he looked lonely, dangerous and screamed off-limits at the same damn time! As a reader, I got so engrossed with his character development and the perfect moment to unveil of who he really was inside that I couldn't wait to see tiny cracks and look through his real self. He wears a damn, sexy facade that I can't seem to shake off the attraction even when I'm just reading the book and I get all curious like I practically want to reach out and carve his facial features in the air. (Come on, the book lets you drool on the fantasy of Mr. Poet Professor so there's no need to deny this impulse) Admittedly, If I were Layla, I'd want to get to know him. Like, really want to see all sorts of emotions plastered on his face. He was definitely a man that you couldn't manage to resist- even when all the warnings are screaming at you to freaking run away from this breathtaking creature.
For me, the story took a deadly plunge for the remaining half of the story until toward its ending. The scenes were mostly lusty and plain physical attraction brewing and none of those deep development between the two leading protagonist. Sure, can't deny the sexual tension and how sexually compatible they were, because they really did seem to understand each other in their own fucked-up way but yes... I believe they were a force to be reckoned with. (STEAMY SCENES ALERT!)
And... I really got irked with Layla. She's... just weird. I like her in the beginning but got overly annoyed in the end. SHE'S SO WHINY LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL,TWISTED AND SHE NEEDS TO GROW A BACKBONE SOMETIMES. Damn, she's A LOT TO TAKE IN; don't get me started with her stalking tendencies. She's brave and she's crazy all at the same time. Gosh, the heroine gave me a headache. She needs help too. (Not gonna spoil it any further, I've already given away some)
Furthermore, I read this book because I found out this was surprisingly a HEA- and I'm glad but despite this fact, I'm also pinching-borderline-smacking myself for actually reading this book. It questioned my morals about loyalty, relationships and of course- condoning cheating. I mean, I'm not saying that everyone who read this book actually agrees with cheating because dammit- it's wrong in ALL counts. To read this book and the knowledge that there's cheating involve, I knew, in a way I'd be siding with whichever character being "the affair" because, hello, the story revolves around them. However, I stand firm on my own conviction- CHEATING is wrong and should NEVER be a valid reason to do so just because you suddenly found yourself unhappy with your relationship or marriage. Damn it, if it's not working out, have the courage to speak up, come clean and be honest other than having tryst encounters while still being involved with someone else. Respect and loyalty SHOULD BE in order.
Lastly, I don't believe that what they had was real love in the end. Or if it were, there was so limited time to express the depth of their feelings for each other. I felt like the word "LOVE" was sprang in the last minute, forcing the characters to suddenly become totally in love even when the circumstance was shouting otherwise.
I'd debated with myself on how to review and rate this... but I'm settling with in a way because I did enjoy the first half of the story. It was really engaging, couldn't put down reading the damn thing. However, it didn't reach the expectation that I was looming for Thomas and Layla.
Did I like the book? Yes.
Will you recommend The Unrequited? If you're sensitive to cheating, then no. (I still can't believe I actually read this when I clearly despise dishonesty and disloyalty in a relationship) but if you're alright with it and the fact that this IS a forbidden love story (which I got pulled in the first place) then yes, by all means. Go ahead, read it like I did. And I hope you'll have a better reading experience than I unfortunately did.
Is it HEA? As I've said, it is. (HEA readers, there you go!)
Is Thomas Abrams delicious? HE IS. (but he's mine.)